Step-by-Step Guide to DIY Mini Pedestals To Display Thrifted Items In Your Home

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Not all DIY projects need to be difficult or expensive. In fact, some of the best DIY projects are the simplest ones, requiring just a few basic materials and a little bit of creativity.

In my latest thrifting adventure, I scored some amazing pieces that I couldn't wait to style in my home. That haul included the cute little plastic candlestick holders that you’ll see in this tutorial.

Whether you're a seasoned thrifter or a newbie, you'll find plenty of inspiration and tips on how to make your thrifted treasures shine in your home.

In this blog, I will show you How To DIY Mini Pedestals To Display Thrifted Items In Your Home!

Below is a list of the items you will need to recreate this project: 

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First, I painted the gold mini candlesticks that I thrifted from Goodwill.

I used Fusion Mineral Paint in the color Lichen. It is a gorgeous light gray-green color!

One of my favorite things about Fusion Mineral Paints is that they come with a built-in sealer, eliminating the need for an additional sealing step.

Next, I rummaged through my DIY stash and found some small wooden round coasters.

They were the perfect size to place on top of the candlesticks to create the pedestal.

I used my hot glue gun to apply glue to the top edge of the candleholders.

I like to use Gorilla Glue long glue sticks. You can buy your own pack HERE!

Then, I flipped the candlestick over and pressed it into the center of the wood rounds.

The glue dried quickly, and then it was time to style them in my home.

I absolutely love how the color Lichen looks with the wood. It is the perfect combination!

And now I have cute risers to display my bird figurine collection.

What would you display on your mini pedestals? Be sure to share a photo and tag me on social media [@juliesdesignsandsigns] so I can see what you create.

This blog is all about How To DIY Mini Pedestals To Display Thrifted Items In Your Home

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