Beginner's Guide to Painting and Upcycling Glass Vases at Home

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Have you ever noticed those random glass vases tucked away in your home, quietly waiting for a purpose? Whether collected over time or found at your local thrift store, these vessels hold so much potential for beautiful home decor statement pieces.

In this step-by-step tutorial, I am sharing how simple it is to transform these glass vases into stunning decor pieces with just a glue gun, paint and a little bit of creativity.

Keep reading to discover how easy it is to elevate these ordinary vases into high-end, expensive-looking accents that add a touch of luxury to any room.

In this blog, I share a Beginner's Guide to Painting and Upcycling Glass Vases at Home!

Below is a list of the items you will need to recreate this project: 

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Vase Style 1

For the first vase, I chose to repurpose an old thrifted rattan placemat.

I used fabric scissors to carefully cut the strings holding the placemat together so that I could take it apart.

After disassembling it, I was left with a long rope of textured basket material.

Next, I wrapped the basket string around the vase using my hot glue gun.

I made sure the bottom was hot glued on very tight. This made it a lot easier to attach the string around the entire piece.

As shown below, I continued wrapping all the way up to the top of the vase.

I found this piece in my stash; I believe it was originally used on a light fixture to conceal an electrical cord.

Inspired by it’s shape and texture, I decided to repurpose it into a stylish basket necklace.

I trimmed one of the chains to the desired length, then wrapped it around the neck of the vase.

After adjusting it to the right size, I sealed the opening of the chain with hot glue to secure it.

Vase Style 2

The second vase was incredibly easy—it required absolutely no work. I already had this small woven basket in my stash, which you can often find at thrift stores.

These baskets are usually used for holding plants, but it's simple to repurpose them by removing the plant for another project.

All I did was place the glass vase inside the woven basket—and that’s it!

Vase Style 3

For the last vase, I opted to paint it!

I started by applying one coat of Dixie Belle Bonding Boss in White to the entire glass surface.

Bonding Boss is an excellent primer that ensures all your paint adheres securely to the surface.

You can purchase Dixie Belle Bonding Boss on my website in Clear, White or Gray!

After applying the Bonding Boss, I let it to dry while I prepared my paint.

I wanted this vase to have a luxurious, high-end look, so I aimed for a paint finish with a lot of texture. To achieve this, I used Dixie Belle Sea Spray and Fusion Mineral Paint to decorate the vase.

To create the textured paint, I mixed 1 part Dixie Belle Sea Spray and 1 part Fusion Mineral Paint in the color Chateau.

If your paint mixture is too thin, you can add more Sea Spray to increase the texture.

I aimed for a pottery-like finish for my vase, so I ensured the paint had a little more sea spray added for a little more texture.

Using a STAALMEESTER Pointed Sash Brush, I applied two coats of the textured paint to the vase. I brushed it on in a way that left visible brush strokes for added texture.

To keep your lines straight, I recommend placing your vase on a lazy Susan while you paint.

Look at that! I was so pleased with how this vase turned out!

To bring all three vases together, I also decided to add a basket chain around the neck of this vase.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite vase?

Are you ready to recreate these in your own home?

Are you ready to create your own? Be sure to share a photo and tag me on social media [@juliesdesignsandsigns] so I can see what you create.

This blog is all about How To Repurpose Fabric To Create Small Farmhouse Artwork

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