How To Thrift Flip Old Wooden Spindles Into DIY Christmas Decorations

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The holiday season is just around the corner, and what better way to embrace its spirit than by crafting your own Christmas home decor? Even better - using items you already have lying around from old projects. This is a quick & easy DIY that anyone can do!

In this blog, I will show you How To Thrift Flip Old Wooden Spindles Into DIY Christmas Decorations.

Below is a list of the items you will need to recreate this project: 

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Today, I am going to show you a simple and easy Christmas Decoration DIY!

All you will need is a few wooden spindle pieces, bottle brushes, wood glue, and paint.

For this project, I used wooden spindles that I had collected over the years through thrift shopping and repurposing from other projects.

Thrift Flip Old Spindles Into Beautiful Christmas Tree Home Decor
Thrift Flip Old Spindles Into Beautiful Christmas Tree Home Decor

First, I applied gorilla wood glue to the top of one of the spindles.

Thrift Flip Old Spindles Into Beautiful Christmas Tree Home Decor

Then, I attached the base of the bottle brush tree onto the spindle to glue them together.

I repeated this process to connect all of the spindle pieces to the bottle brush trees.

Thrift Flip Old Spindles Into Beautiful Christmas Tree Home Decor

Once the glue dried, I used a paintbrush to paint the spindles white.

I recommend using a STAALMEESTER Pointed Sash Brush and Dixie Belle Chalk Paint in the color Cotton!

Thrift Flip Old Spindles Into Beautiful Christmas Tree Home Decor

Lastly, if you want your overall design to have a distressed look, you could use 220-grit sandpaper to lightly sand the spindles.

However, as you can see below, I decided not to distress. This style fits better with my personal Christmas decor!

Thrift Flip Old Spindles Into Beautiful Christmas Tree Home Decor

And that is it!

Can you believe how quick and easy this DIY project is? Anyone can do it!

This blog is all about How To Thrift Flip Old Wooden Spindles Into DIY Christmas Decorations.

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