Trash To Treasure DIY | Using Pickle Jar Lids to Create Christmas Ornaments

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If you're excited to fill your home with a cozy and festive atmosphere without breaking the bank, you're in for a treat!

I’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of creating charming snowflake ornaments. No need to splurge on store-bought decorations – with just a handful of simple materials and some creativity, you'll soon have a collection of ornaments to hang on your tree!

In this blog, I will show you step-by-step How To DIY Christmas Ornaments Using Pickle Jar Lids.

Trash To Treasure DIY - Using Pickle Jar Lids to Create Snowflake Christmas Ornaments

Below is a list of the items you will need to recreate this project: 

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In the last DIY, I used Pickle Jars to create beautiful brown paper bag stamped containers.

Since this is a trash to treasure, I didn’t want to throw away anything!

For my next project, the pickle jar lids were the perfect thing to create DIY Snowflake Ornaments.

Trash To Treasure DIY - Using Pickle Jar Lids to Create Snowflake Christmas Ornaments

First, I used my cordless drill to put 2 holes an inch or so apart into the edge of the lid.

Trash To Treasure DIY - Using Pickle Jar Lids to Create Snowflake Christmas Ornaments

Next, I used Fusion Mineral Paint in the color Coal Black and a STAALMEESTER Painted Sash Brush to paint the lids.

I painted both the front and the back of the lid.

Before I moved on to the next steps, I let the painted lids completely dry.

How To DIY Snowflake Ornaments Using Jar Lids | Trash to Treasure

Once the lids were dry, I used clear Gorilla Glue to adhere the resin snowflake to the painted lid.

How To DIY Snowflake Ornaments Using Jar Lids | Trash to Treasure

I placed the resin snowflake directly in the middle of the lid.

How To DIY Snowflake Ornaments Using Jar Lids | Trash to Treasure

Using a STAALMEESTER Pointed Sash Brush I coated the lid and the resin snowflake in Dixie Belle White Wax.

How To DIY Snowflake Ornaments Using Jar Lids | Trash to Treasure

Then I used a dry paper towel to wipe off the wax from the lid.

How To DIY Snowflake Ornaments Using Jar Lids | Trash to Treasure

The paper towel didn't remove the wax as effectively as I had hoped.

I decided to use a dry brush to brush off some of the excess wax from the lid.

How To DIY Snowflake Ornaments Using Jar Lids | Trash to Treasure

Lastly, I threaded jute twine through the two holes so that I could hang the ornaments onto my tree!

This blog is all about a Trash To Treasure DIY - Using Pickle Jar Lids to Create Christmas Ornaments!

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