Trash to Treasure Christmas Crafts: Upcycling Empty Spice Containers

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While store-bought decorations have their charm, there's something special about crafting your own ornaments and adding a personal touch to your holiday decor. If you're looking for a unique and budget-friendly way to make your home stand out this Christmas, you will love this DIY Project!

This project is perfect for creating Christmas DIY Decorations without breaking the bank and making the most of what you already have at home. So, before you toss those empty spice containers into the recycling bin, hold onto them and join us on this crafting adventure.

In this blog, I will show How To Upcycle Empty Spice Containers For A Trash To Treasure Christmas Craft!

Like what you see? You can view more of my Christmas DIY videos HERE!

Below is a list of the items you will need to recreate this project: 

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First, I removed the lids from the spice containers.

Next, I mixed Dixie Belle Chalk Paint in the color Dropcloth with Dixie Belle Sea Spray to create a textured paint mixture.

If you do not have Dixie Belle Sea Spray, you can also use Fusion Fresco.

Using a STAALMEESTER Round Artist Brush I painted a layer of the textured paint mixture onto the entire outside of the empty spice containers.

I proceeded to replicate the same steps on all your remaining empty spice containers.

Once the paint mixture has dried, this is the desired textured appearance you're aiming for! (see below)

Next, I used another STAALMEESTER Round Artist Brush to apply (1) coat of Fusion Antiquing Glaze to the empty spice containers.

Once the glaze is applied, I used a dry paper towel to wipe off the excess glaze. This technique will give the color and texture an aged look.

Then, it was time to add a Christmas embellishment to the empty spice containers.

For this project, I used IOD Merry & Bright Stamps and IOD black ink. It's worth noting that these Merry & Bright stamps, were from a holiday collection, and they are no longer in stock. I suggest exploring the various IOD stamp collections available on my website to discover a design that complements your home decor style.

First, select the IOD Stamp you would like to use for this project.

Second, place the chosen stamp onto a thin mount.

Third, using an empty stamp pad and black ink, generously apply ink to the stamp.

Then flip over the thin mount and place the stamp in the center of your empty spice container.

I used my hands to apply pressure so that the stamp evenly transfers to the container.

Look at how cute that turned out!

Then I followed those same steps to add the stamp to the smaller empty spice container.

And that’s it! How easy is that DIY project?

I styled my textured cylinders with some extra greenery and pine leaves that I had lying around.

How would you style your Christmas cylinders? Share in the comments below!

This blog is all about How To Upcycle Empty Spice Containers For A Trash To Treasure Christmas Craft!

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